Pop Report

We are always harping on the same string, but cultural insight is a pretty much untapped marketing resource that can definitely help brands everywhere. This is why we developed a new product, our Pop Report, an entertaining and effective way of knowing everything you need to know about your target market.

Talking about Brazil specifically, we are the 4th online community in the world, so what people say online will definitely impact your business, for better or worse. That said, your Pop Report may include:

❇️Info about the main influencers on your sector

❇️Info about viral memes

❇️Insights about consumer behavior/habits

❇️Insights about what people say when they go online

❇️And much more!

Each Pop Report is tailored to each client’s needs because every industry is unique. From our experience, the Pop Report can be very useful to:

❇️Develop a social media strategy

❇️Design and write content for website/apps

❇️Develop your marketing strategy

❇️Create advertising campaigns

❇️Prepare for a pitch

Ah, we also make sure you don’t get canceled 😊

Do you want to know more? Reach out!

🍍We can peel this pineapple for you! 🍍

#popreport #cancelculture #brands #culturalinsight #brazil #brculture #onlinebehavior




Big Brother Brasil